Saturday, August 19, 2006

Storm (-4.0 Money Trains)

OK, this is REALLY bad. In fact, for those familiar with my Money Train scale for bad films, this sets a new benchmark. This film makes Blade look high brow.

Luke Perry (never a good way to start a review. Even worse than starting with "Matthew Perry") plays a meteorologist who is developing a means of directing storms with a tiny contraption he tows from a Cesna. You're all intelligent people (probably), so I don't even need to criticise this appalling science explicitly. Anyway, he winds up working for the military who manage to drop a bollock and cause a big-arsed hurricane to hit Los Angeles. Naturally, things go from bad to stupid and pretty soon our hero is the only one left who can save the day. Oddly, he doesn't actually do this: the hurricane wastes LA.

There are plot developments along the way that leave your head spinning and a climax so mind blowingly stupid (if something has the power to direct a hurricane, surely it would be dangerous to manhandle) it makes Freaky Friday look like the Nobel Prize award ceremony. In summary, this film features an appalling plot, one dimensional characters (and that dimension is Time) and more clichés than a Matthew Riley novel. In fact, this film would make a great drinking game: scull whenever something unbelievably dumb happens. You'll be off your face inside 20 minutes.

Some films leave you thinking about them for days (eg, In The Cut); others are a good bit of mental chewing gum to enjoy for a few hours and then forget about (eg, Final Destination). But this was like a Passenger 57 - U571 combo. It had Luke Perry in it, for goodness sake! What was I thinking?

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